Apple Wednesday showed off a sporty new model in its popular line of tiny MP3 players, the iPod Nano, a ?retina display?-enhanced version of its iPod Touch, and a new version of its iPod Shuffle.
The new iPod Touch is basically the same as the iPhone 4 but thinner, and without the phone: it gains the latter?s high-resolution display, front- and back-facing cameras for videoconferencing, A4 chip, three-axis gyroscope, and iOS 4.1 with Game Center.
The display, which Apple calls a retina display, is the same 326 ppi, 24-bit color LED screen found in the iPhone 4.
The new Nano, which is a small square apparently about 1.5 inches on a side, does away with the click wheel on previous models, replacing it with a tiny, square touchscreen that nearly covers the face of the device.
The Nano has hardware buttons for controlling the volume. It will support the voiceover feature that first appeared in the iPod Shuffle, and will also have an FM radio and support for the popular Nike+ pedometer/fitness add-on. Apple claims its battery will last for 24 hours of audio playback.
The iPod Nano will come in two versions: one with 8GB of storage for $150 and one with 6GB for $180.
Apple also announced a small, square, screenless version of the iPod Shuffle. It?s actually larger than the previous model Shuffle, but CEO Steve Jobs said that customers missed the control buttons, so the clickwheel interface returns to the larger Shuffle with this model.
The iPod Shuffle will have 2GB of storage and will cost $50.
For full coverage of Apple?s press conference, see� live blog of the event.
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